How to Throw a Puppy Birthday Party!
It's your pup's birthday, and you don't know what to do! Don't worry; we have you covered; all you have to do is throw a puppy birthday party! Puppies love birthdays just as much as people do. Puppies have feelings, too, so make sure that they're happy on their big day. You can celebrate Puppy's birthday in a variety of ways, from cake and ice cream to an exciting game of "fetch."
It's time to party with your pup and make them feel extra special on their birthday. Here are some ideas to kick off your puppy birthday party.

Get the guest list together
First, we need the guest list! It is not a puppy birthday party without their closest pupper friends. Write the list down and start getting the invitations ready so they have adequate time for their humans to RSVP. Once you have the rough headcount, you can move on to the specifics related to quantities of food and other items to make your life easier.
Set the mood with décor
The décor is the next essential step to having a great puppy birthday party! You need to make sure your pup knows this party is for them. Also, is there going to be a theme? Some popular themes include "party animal," "let's pawty," and the notorious dog bone theme. You can get streamers, plate settings that can go on the floor or around a lower-level table. Puppy cake? Bone-shaped balloons? Anything that will make your pup feel special on their birthday and during their puppy birthday party. You can't forget the photo op station either because what's a puppy birthday party without the cute pictures!
To go with the decor, you also need to get your puppy a new birthday outfit to match. This can be a new collar or bandana, or even a harness. If they let you, they also make birthday shirts for your pup to wear. You have to make sure the birthday pup feels like a million bucks. Finally, let's not forget the doggy-sized birthday hats for the birthday pup and all their fur-friends. Make sure to get a picture of this too!

Don't forget the food and drink (for humans too!)
Let's move onto the food your pup and their fur-friends are going to munch on. There are many kinds of food that puppies generally enjoy, but some favorites among them include steak or hamburger meat, hot dogs or sausage, and anything that contains bacon! Puppies also enjoy things like scrambled eggs with cheese on top, yogurt with fruit spread in it, macaroni and cheese (if you can make a small dish for your pup and guests), ice cream sprinkled with dog biscuits, pizza... etc. The list goes on, but I am sure you already know your pup's favorite human foods. Some dogs also have dietary restrictions so be thoughtful when choosing your party's dishes and options.
Treats are a must
Now, what's a Puppy Birthday Party without some tasty treats? Be careful when saying the "T" word in front of the guests; you do not want to cause an uproar! Next, make a puppy a cake or you can get mini cupcakes in paw-print wrappers. Puppies love licking frosting off of their paws after they're done eating it. Puppies also love to lick frosting off of people's faces, so don't be alarmed if a puppy starts licking your cheeks. Either way, I'm sure this is going to make for a great memory and, if you're lucky, a picture too. You can put cheese on the cake for the dogs to enjoy as well! Simply take a block of cheddar or Colby and grate it up into tiny pieces that he/she will be able to eat more easily; this is not a necessary addition just if you wish to add a little ~spice~ to the puppy birthday cake.
What do you get the pup whose got it all?
Don't forget about the gifts! It would be best if you showered your puppy with presents. Puppies love to get new toys, so why not buy them a toy or two or the entire toy aisle? Your puppy will be more than happy with this thoughtful present. If you cannot think of anything or forget to go to the store, there are always coupons for unlimited belly scratches and boops. Puppies love boops, especially birthday boops!
Get the party going with fun games!
Finally, you need to plan the games. Puppies love an opportunity for some good old-fashioned fun, so we have come up with three games that will keep them occupied all night long. They are sure to get excited when they see their favorite toy in game number one - Puppy's Very Own Party Toss, which in other words, is the ultimate game of fetch since they will be going against all their friends. This will get all the pups involved and have them work off all the grub they just ate. Our second game is Puppies' Playground Obstacle Course. Puppies are very agile and love to run, so this will be a great opportunity for them to show off their skills as they make it through the hurdles we set up with treats on the other side of each one. The final game is Puppies on Parade! This game consists of filling up a room with balloons (don't worry about popping them all) and then letting the puppies loose. They will have so much fun hunting for those little colorful floating orbs of joy; they might not want to come home!
Doggy bags are the chef's kiss to a great puppy party!
To wrap up your puppy birthday party, hand out doggy bags (no pun intended) for all the guests to take home. You can put party favors like a tennis ball or a small squeak toy in the bag, along with a couple of treats. This will ensure that every pup leave's with a smile on their face. It'll also keep the party going once everyone has let but this time in their own homes! Your puppy's birthday is a special day that you and all your friends and fur-friends can enjoy. Hopefully, you can make your pupper feel like royalty during their annual puppy birthday party. We want to see your puppy parties; make sure to tag us so we can be a part of the party too.